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Association Francophone des Rocheuses du Sud  

 A-402 Highway3, Fernie, BC, V0B 1M0
Contact Association Francophone des Rocheuses du Sud
About Association Francophone des Rocheuses du Sud
Our mandate is to : Promote the French language and culture in the Southern Rockies, mainly in the city of Fernie and on a territory stretching from Golden to Elkford, passing through Invermere, Cranbrook and Sparwood, Unite and represent Francophones and Francophiles by organizing and/or participating in educational, cultural and social activities for all age groups, Promote and support francophone education by collaborating with francophone schools and French immersion programs, Cooperate and exchange with any other non-profit association or other organizations having common objectives with AFRoS.
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2 - 1218, rue Langley
Victoria BC V8W 1W2
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