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Carrefour 50+ Colombie-Britannique  

 1218 Langley Street, Victoria, BC, V8W 1W2
Contact Carrefour 50+ Colombie-Britannique
About Carrefour 50+ Colombie-Britannique
The mission of Carrefour 50+ CB  is to gather, represent and mobilize the diverse and unique French speaking population of British Columbia aged 50 and up, through services that tend to their needs.
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Stéphane Lapierre

The Carrefour's mission is to bring together, represent and mobilize Francophones and Francophiles aged 50 and over in British Columbia in..

2 - 1218, rue Langley
Victoria BC V8W 1W2
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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